1. Why should I join Team 91 National?
Team 91 was started with one thing in mind: to provide an unparalleled level of teaching, that which is not seen in other organizations. Our coaches are among some of the best in the game today! They include three MLL Coaches of the Year, MLL Positional Players of the Year, and several MLL All-Stars, as well as countless college All-American players as well as college and HS coaches. Team 91 National is the best of the best from all of our Team 91 Regions. The top players from Team 91 Long Island, Team 91 Maryland, Team 91 Colorado, Team 91 Northside, Team 91 North Carolina, Team 91 Charolette, Team 91 Tri-State, Team 91 Georgia, and Team 91 New Jersey come together to form an extremely competitive National Team. In order to be invited the player MUST be on a regional roster. The invitation process is nomination only, no separate tryouts will be held. Team 91 Regional Directors and Coaches have nominated players in a depth chart based on stick skills, positional skills, speed, game IQ, and coach ability.
2. How will I know if I made a team?
Team 91 National is an invite only registration. Players must be a regional Team 91 player to be nominated and selected. Invites will be sent to the contact email on your player profile. Invitations will be ongoing until the team rosters are full.

3. How do I secure my spot on Team 91?
Once teams are selected, we ask that players register online to secure their spot. All registrations are done online. Players will have three payment options upon accepting their spot.
- Option 1 - Upon accepting their spot, players will make their deposit payment. Player's credit card will be charged monthly in equal installments monthly ending at the start of the first event.
- Option 2 - Upon accepting their spot, players will make their deposit payment. Player's credit card will be charged in three (3) equal bi-monthly payments ending at the start of the first event.
- Option 3 - Upon accepting their spot, players will make a full annual tuition payment.
4. What is the Team 91 Refund Policy?
Once a player commits to playing for Team 91 National, that spot is theirs.The player commits to the full program as well as the cost of tuition. To receive a refund, prorated or otherwise, another player must fill that player's roster position. If the player misses time because of an injury, a doctor's note must be supplied for any refund consideration. It is a requirement for registration to waive rights to refunds for any reason.